Friday, March 03, 2006
















At 2:05 AM, Blogger Longtin Shum said...


1 在聖地牙哥動物園公廁,如廁時旁邊的男人說欣賞我雙腳,並向我顯示腹肌,示範如何鍛練出這等身材,我一直和他聊了二十分鐘,直到他叫我脫下褲子展示腿肌,我才意識到他所求,遲鈍得要死!

2 住南丫島時,一次拿垃圾到村口棄置,走到村口,忽然發覺胯下涼涼的,低頭一看,才發覺貪方便只穿內褲便跑了出來,陽具不慎從褲邊滑出, 幸好沒人看見......

3 一次聚會,又是貪方便,穿著睡衣,在上邊結了領帶被上外套便出席,主人問我為何穿睡衣來,我硬著頭皮說是新款襯衣......

4 有一次摟著一個女子, 不知何解說了另一人的名字, 問題是: 那另一人我很清楚對之毫無愛慾, 但當然已水清唔清也

5 住南丫島時, 常放狗兒自行外出遊玩, 自己在屋內工作, 一次聽見氣槍聲和狗吠, 外出看過究竟, 發現狗兒滿嘴鮮血, 便以為牠被外來頑童用氣槍打傷了, 一邊罵人一邊抱牠回家治傷, 回到家發覺牠一點傷也沒有, 原來是牠咬傷了隣家飼養的雞隻, 本來要興問罪之師的, 倒過來要向人賠錢了事

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Longtin Shum said...

6 狗兒月經到, 由於是大狗, 所以買了人用的衛生巾給牠, 一天晚上拿牠用過的一大堆衛生巾倒垃圾, 順便放狗, 在村口路上遇上野狗, 狗兒狂性大發, 為了控制牠, 手上的垃圾倒了一地都是, 恰好兩部車子經過, 我便要在司機等待和車頭燈照耀下把那些衛生巾一一拾回......
#鳥飛, 你轉貼到你那邊時可將這第六件換掉第五件

At 2:23 AM, Blogger Longtin Shum said...

On Solitude

We talked about solitude and loneliness.

I just couldn't help mentioning the painting of THAT room in one of the short stories in All God's Children Can Dance by Haruki Murakami. I kept on mentioning it, no matter how many times, especially on representing THOSE images, having already been distorted in some place at some time, which led the heroine spontaneously shed her tears.

But did I really represent it?

If loneliness is the kind of feeling of helplessness that you want to have someone accompanying you to get rid of but soon find out it is the kind of emptiness that always not being filled up with, then solitude may be THAT singularity when you stand up high or stay in the wasteland or the bottom of a well. There is not anyone before/in front of you, nor anyone after/behind. There is invisible pressure all around. It is absurd. It is alienated. It is strange.

You are the ONE, not like the surroundings. You may be the convex point but oncave much likely. Your energy would radiate out and treated as positive but most probably it vanishes gradually, being interpreted negative. Difference offers pressure. Pressure of identification.

However, Murakami's solitude is different. I tried to imagine: it is the hiddened distortion and then you strike out suddenly. Something in midair is broken. Something disgusting is vomited.

In The Elephant Vanishes, the kitchen-appliance salesman went to the zoo to watch the elephant everyday, and then the elephant disappeared. He remembered later that he observed something strange had occurred on the elephant the day before the disappearance. Something different and something twisted. He mentioned the insignificant event when he dated with a girl and he knew right from that moment that they would not see each other any more. And they did.

Something drains out from THAT broken point. Like the exposed rock layers, the complexity appears. People see it and turn around. They cannot bear it or it disgusts them.

Perhaps the best way of revealing secrets to the family is putting it on the table while all are present enjoying their dinner. When all are vulnerable, you just tell them, "You know,...... "

No pause. No amaze. The dinner goes on as if no confession has made or they really have known it. The work is done.

The artist vomted and exposed her viscera. We turned our heads around as if we did not see it. Totality came when seeing but not looking. And the artist got her works done.


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